Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Zo long, and thanks for the maltyness

Hi friends.

Sorry I haven't blogged at you in a while. To be honest, this election has got me feeling down. I was able to convince my new friend, Blake, to vote for Nader, but I can't seem to get anyone else on board. The polls are bad, even in a city like Seattle, which I thought was progressive. All of the so-called lefties hereabouts seem to be hooked on Obama; despite the fact that he hangs out with plenty of decent lefties, I can't shake the feeling that he's just another Gore-Kerry corporate Democrat.

What's worse, and what's got me blogging today, is that corporate giant MolsonCoors has announced that they will discontinue the production of Zima. Faithful readers of this blog will know that Zima is among be favorite beverages, along with RC Cola. In the face of falling sales, the right thing to do would be to release the recipe into the public domain, ensuring that loyal Zima-drinkers could continue to enjoy their favorite malt beverage. Instead, it will probably be locked away in some vault full of Adolph Coors's fascist memorabilia, awaiting the day when Zima will be retro, and acceptable to hipsters.

Well, that's just lame. Hecka lame.

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