Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fatties of the world, unite!

Will Saletan, the writer I love to hate, posted an article today suggesting that the zaftig are far more numerous than stick-figure pinheads like him had ever imagined. I'm not terribly surprised. I went home to Manayunk for the weekend and saw big folks a'plenty around Philadelphia. Even at the Penn-Yale football game, where most people are rich enough to eat well and exercise, there were some big folks.

That's just another reason to prefer Franklin Field to your modern stadium -- bleachers are easy on the bottom, unlike the airplane seat I endured on the way home.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I've just read a story about someone in England who left 8 million pounds to the Conservative Party. The judge struck down the gift for insanity, and awarded the estate to the dead guy's son. If only we could enact a similar law for votes, we might have avoided that debacle in 2000.

Nah, the Supreme Court would've still found a way to steal it for Bush.

Re-elect Gore!