Thursday, November 29, 2007

Eat shit

I don't mean this blog to turn into an anti-Will Saletan blog. I mean, he's hecka lame, but I do have other interests -- D&D, Battlestar Galactica, anime, etc. -- but people seem more interested in my observations on sociology. I even got a comment on the last post, but i think it's in Portuguese.

Anyhow, instead of discussing my latest D&D triumph, I'll tell you that Saletan, again, hates on the wide-of-bottom. We really should be added to the protected classes under hate speech laws. Later in that same column, Saletan talks about recycling sewerage into drinking water. Now, I'm pretty keen on being green, but I doubt that crap-water could taste anywhere as good as the crystal-clear tap water we used to drink in Manayunk.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hey hey hey

Saletan's latest Slate article claims that Black people aren't as smart as whites. As a sociologist, I have to believe that the studies were flawed. After all, all of the Black people I knew at Penn were hecka smart.

Saletan seems to have a hateful grudge against African Americans, as well as a distaste for big folks. Perhaps he was traumatized by Fat Albert as a child.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Well, I've figured out why no one reads this blog. According to this website, Sxosteknology is written at a "genius" reading level. Although the site appears to be based on an attempt to get people to place ads in their blogs, I will regard its rankings as genuine and my readership as hecka smart.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bigger is better

More news today that being big will not kill you. Indeed, according to this New York Times article, overweight people "have a lower death rate." I don't really understand how this is possible, since there is a 100% death rate for everyone, but I'll have to read the actual study to figure it out -- the mainstream media have a hard time explaining science accurately. The article describes the results of the study, which may be the same study I wrote up yesterday:
Linking, for the first time, causes of death to specific weights, they report that overweight people have a lower death rate because they are much less likely to die from a grab bag of diseases that includes Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, infections and lung disease. And that lower risk is not counteracted by increased risks of dying from any other disease, including cancer, diabetes or heart disease. As a consequence, the group from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Cancer Institute reports, there were more than 100,000 fewer deaths among the overweight in 2004, the most recent year for which data were available, than would have expected if those people had been of normal weight.
Saletan disagrees, naturally, but we all knew that hater would hate. So, big fellas are hecka healthy after all. My buddy Tim Finnigan says that it's bullshit, but I think I'll outlive him by a long shot. I only hope that little red-headed brother of his survives him.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Livin' large

Is this a rare repulse in America's War on Fatties? According to the Washington Post this recent study shows that being big isn't as awful as the skinny mafia has led us to believe.
"What this tells us is the hazards have been very much exaggerated," said Steven N. Blair, a professor of exercise science, epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of South Carolina. "It's just not as big a problem as people have said."
Now, I don't know what "exercise science" is, but I'm glad to see a news report that, for once, tells people that there isn't a problem. Of course, the article calls it "counterintuitive." Even as they report the true science, the anti-fatty patriarchy demands obedience to their prevailing paradigm.

Readers of this weblog know that I am wide-of-bottom, but my health is hecka good. Perhaps this news will get people to lay off of fatties and focus on bigger scientific issues, like climate change or stem-cell research.

You hear that, Saletan?

Friday, November 2, 2007


Google tells me that this blog is not widely read. Perhaps events of my daily life and my sociological observations are not sufficient to generate web traffic. In the interest of getting more readers, I would like to make a few points:
  • Ron Paul is hecka insane
  • Abortion is good
  • We should pull our troops out of Iraq
  • There are differences between men and women
  • PCs are superior to Macs
  • Captain Kirk would kick Captain Picard's ass.

All right, haters, let the comments roll.