Thursday, November 29, 2007

Eat shit

I don't mean this blog to turn into an anti-Will Saletan blog. I mean, he's hecka lame, but I do have other interests -- D&D, Battlestar Galactica, anime, etc. -- but people seem more interested in my observations on sociology. I even got a comment on the last post, but i think it's in Portuguese.

Anyhow, instead of discussing my latest D&D triumph, I'll tell you that Saletan, again, hates on the wide-of-bottom. We really should be added to the protected classes under hate speech laws. Later in that same column, Saletan talks about recycling sewerage into drinking water. Now, I'm pretty keen on being green, but I doubt that crap-water could taste anywhere as good as the crystal-clear tap water we used to drink in Manayunk.

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